
Born in Liberal, KS (the home of the Yellow Brick Road). Grew up in Texas trotting through fields on horseback and reading fairytales. Fell in love with humanity at a young age and started traveling the world as soon as I got my paws on a passport. Started snapping photos of my travels because pictures are the best souvenirs. Worked with some amazing companies while trying to capture all the beauty around me. Met a handsome Harley riding wild man and promised my life long devotion to him under a waterfall. My life is fueled by sugar and brussels sprouts. Portland, OR is my city crush. Currently a social media enthusiast who's figuring out life as I go. Thankful to be loved by the Creator of the stars and waking up each morning trying to embody Isaiah 61. Better in person. Let's be friends. 



Born in the Northeast (Cape Cod to be exact), although I didn’t stay there long. I've been fortunate to have lived in a number of different places: Massachusetts, Texas, New Hampshire, Colorado, Oklahoma, and a few shorts stints abroad. For some it sounds a bit chaotic but that's just my style. Traveled to all but one of the seven continents with hopes of getting to Antartica before this body can’t take me any further. Have a deep love for motorcycles and adventure and I can hardly contain my happiness when those two things mix. I've hiked New Zealand (my favorite place) from top to bottom and am currently in Ecuador doing humanitarian work. I'm an incredibly happy/blessed husband. I do the cooking (it’s just better that way) and most of the photo taking. Hugs over hand shakes and tea over coffee. Collecting tattoos as I travel. I enjoy working with my hands; leather working, fence building, concrete pouring, horse riding, things of that nature. In the end it all boils down to love.  Love is God and God is love, and that love moves me to love others. 


"The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision.
So write and draw and build and play and dance and live only as you can."

(photos by Abby Rose)