Let's Do This Thing

Why is starting so ridiculously paralyzing?

I've felt in the deep part of my heart that I should get back into blogging but have been putting it off for years. I suppose falling crazy in love, getting married & relocating to Ecuador all within the past 365 days is reason enough to put things off but I can't continue to ignore my inner dialogue any longer. She's quite persuasive, especially when donuts are involved. 

So now our little website/blog is born (thanks to my dearest, Lindsey!) Matt & I really want a place to share photos & daily adventures with the people we love & friends we've yet to meet. I'm lucky to have found a man who enjoys travel as much as I do & he's quite good with a camera. We'll both write posts here & there about all sorts of things. But don't expect DIY's & gourmet recipes (we aren't those types of people) but do expect real, authentic newlywed life adventures of two gypsy souls. We'll share things we believe in, promising not to post a fake version of our life but the real stuff. Hey, we're glad you found us. 

(photo by Abby Elizabeth, one of our favorite people & photographers)