That PNW life

After a few months on the road, we've finally settled into our new home. Portland is everything we hoped it would be + so much more. We planned this beautiful roadtrip to get here and spent time at Joshua Tree, the Grand Canyon, Smith Rock National park among other gorgeous places from Tulsa to Portland. The trip was incredible but our souls are happy to be home. WE HAVE A HOME! Ok, we almost have a home. The house hunt continues but the Lord has brought us this far so we are expecting Him to continue working it all out for us. The housing market is INSANE. It's a cat fight out there, you guys. However, we're surrounded by amazing people and there's been no shortage in dinner and coffee invitations. People in Portland are literally the NICEST people in the world. We're both blown away daily by the kindness of friends and strangers. Life here is good. (But, you know, not thaaaaaat good so don't think about moving here or anything.) Matt has had several job interviews and so far everybody loves him. He's had a couple of job offers so we're currently praying through those but thankful for God's provision. Every potential job offer has come through connections we've had through good friends. Invest in people. It's meaningful in all areas. I'm working from home (or whatever coffee shop has the best wifi and doesn't get annoyed at a tiny blonde squatter) and still with Lily Jade and The Influence Network. I'm working a full 40 hour work load at this point and I'm so grateful for the flexibility and stability these positions offer. Plus, they're seriously amazing companies! Triple that amazing. 

We explore a lot. A lot more than usual, I'd say. Evening bike rides through neighborhoods, walks to local coffee shops, Oregon coast trips on a lazy Saturday afternoon, hikes through the gorge with free time during the week. It's a dream. And Matt has got his camera out to capture pretty moments. I'm so thankful for my guy. I'm thankful for Portland. I'm thankful that this is our home and I don't think I ever want to leave. Here are some photos from a last minute trip to the coast. So much goodness here. 

All photos taken/edited by Matt Arbo