Home Sweet Home

We've been in our Portland apartment since March and are beyond happy with our cozy little space. This feels like our first real home together, ya know? After living with so many people over the past year (all remarkable experiences, I should add) we were ready for a space to call home. Before moving, we basically sold or gave away most of what we owned so it's taken quite some time to save up and find pieces we love, little by little. We've still got a bit more to do but I'm perfectly content nestled here with my sweetheart, Thai delivery and Netflix. 

Also, let me take a moment to brag about the amazing crew from Soleil Clean! They were awesome enough to welcome us to the neighborhood with a home detail and it was incredible! Family owned, Portland locals, planet friendly cleaning solutions AND they do the dirty stuff! They scrubbed our bathroom sparkly, the inside of our oven (it's not a self cleaning oven so...ick!), left the subway tile gorgeous AND left us flowers and the sweetest note! Our place is usually pretty clean (neat freaks + minimalists live here!) BUT it's not anything compared to the way Harmony and her crew left it. Matt and I walked around in awe, admiring how beautiful everything looked. If you're in the Portland and surrounding areas, I highly recommend contacting them and treating yourself to a clean. It feels ahhhhhh-mazing. I'm still giddy about it. We waited to take our home photos until after they did their magic. 


We've already had lots of visitors with more on the way! Our neighborhood is especially dreamy and I don't think we ever want to leave SE Portland. We are SO very spoiled! All that we need (friends, our church, restaurants, coffee, groceries, food carts, parks) is a walk or bike ride away, which is not only fun but sometimes necessary when sharing a car. It helps me feel like I can have moments away for coffee shop dates or a run through the park while working from home. Keeps those stir crazy feelings at bay. We're so happy, happy, happy. And you're welcome to visit any time.

Another special thank you to our sweet friends at Soleil Clean! Book those guys! And give them a hug from the Arbo's. 

::photos by my love, Matthew Arbo
::candle, moon calendar, black hat, record player decor all from the beautiful Moorea Seal shop


That PNW life

After a few months on the road, we've finally settled into our new home. Portland is everything we hoped it would be + so much more. We planned this beautiful roadtrip to get here and spent time at Joshua Tree, the Grand Canyon, Smith Rock National park among other gorgeous places from Tulsa to Portland. The trip was incredible but our souls are happy to be home. WE HAVE A HOME! Ok, we almost have a home. The house hunt continues but the Lord has brought us this far so we are expecting Him to continue working it all out for us. The housing market is INSANE. It's a cat fight out there, you guys. However, we're surrounded by amazing people and there's been no shortage in dinner and coffee invitations. People in Portland are literally the NICEST people in the world. We're both blown away daily by the kindness of friends and strangers. Life here is good. (But, you know, not thaaaaaat good so don't think about moving here or anything.) Matt has had several job interviews and so far everybody loves him. He's had a couple of job offers so we're currently praying through those but thankful for God's provision. Every potential job offer has come through connections we've had through good friends. Invest in people. It's meaningful in all areas. I'm working from home (or whatever coffee shop has the best wifi and doesn't get annoyed at a tiny blonde squatter) and still with Lily Jade and The Influence Network. I'm working a full 40 hour work load at this point and I'm so grateful for the flexibility and stability these positions offer. Plus, they're seriously amazing companies! Triple that amazing. 

We explore a lot. A lot more than usual, I'd say. Evening bike rides through neighborhoods, walks to local coffee shops, Oregon coast trips on a lazy Saturday afternoon, hikes through the gorge with free time during the week. It's a dream. And Matt has got his camera out to capture pretty moments. I'm so thankful for my guy. I'm thankful for Portland. I'm thankful that this is our home and I don't think I ever want to leave. Here are some photos from a last minute trip to the coast. So much goodness here. 

All photos taken/edited by Matt Arbo

New England Holiday

We spent the Christmas holiday with Matt's family in New Hampshire and as you can see, it was gorgeous. His mom and dad run a house of prayer called The Sanctuary and we had the sweetest time getting to spend a month living with them before headed back on the road. We watched movies by the fire, played in the snow, prayed together and enjoyed the peacefulness of the season. It really was the perfect way to end 2015. 

Matt and I left New Hampshire yesterday (in our new truck!!) and have started another trek across the country. However, this time we actually have an ending destination! We'll be driving through and stopping in Virginia, Tennessee, Oklahoma, New Mexico and California on the way to our new home in Portland, OR! I can't believe it! After 8.5 years of trying to move to the northwest it is finally happening. New jobs, new vehicles, new beginnings. I love 2016 already. 

Photos by Matthew Arbo
(the most handsome photographer I know)

Beach Days

The beaches of Tulum are way up there on the dreamy scale. We happened to be visiting during high seaweed season but it only took a few moments to scope out spots clear of those pesky ocean plants. Hopping over seaweed piles to enter the warm ocean waters happened to be our biggest struggle all week. I'll call that a win. The first day we snuck onto a private resort beach (ehhh....no thanks). The next day we explored the coast on our trusty scooter and stumbled upon the most perfect beach paradise ever - shady cabanas, clear water, non packed and free! We spent the rest of our days laying in the sand until the sun went down. And when it did?! That's when the real magic happened. 

We've collected so many other photos to share from Ecuador, Mexico and our current travels. I'll admit, we've fallen a bit behind lately. We've been spending the last week in our beloved Tulsa, OK visiting friends, eating at our favorite places and packing, selling and giving away our things. Want to know a true marriage tester? Purging your stuff. We're both learning to be patient with each other and I'm so thankful my husband is one of the most neat and tidy minimalists in the universe. And his packing skills? Unrivaled. He wins all the awards. 

We're on the road until February when we move into our new place. So excited I can barely stand it! We're saying bye to Oklahoma tomorrow (sniff, sniff) and driving 12 hours to Columbus, OH. We've got a car full of Trader Joe's holiday cookies to keep us hyped and sugared up. Living out of our car isn't so bad, really. 

(all photos taken by Matthew Arbo, my sweetheart)

Ruins of Tulum

The last couple of weeks have been a blur of motion, family, friends, hello's, goodbye's & travel. We left Ecuador a few weeks ago & then spent a week long vacation in Tulum, Mexico. Tulum is a DREAM!! It was the perfect stop for us to spend a week alone together. We stayed in a gorgeous airbnb, rented a scooter to get us from our apartment to the beach as quickly as possible, went to bed early, ate the most amazing food & cuddled a lot. One evening, we visited the ruins which are part of what makes Tulum so famous. They were GORGEOUS!! My sweet man documented our trip to the ruins & now we're sharing it with you guys! We love Tulum & have several photos to share over the next few weeks. 

We're currently in the beginning of a two month holiday road trip which will take us through Houston, Nacogdoches, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Ft Worth, Tulsa, Indianapolis, Buffalo & more on our way to New Hampshire for Christmas! We're crashing couches from here to the great north. And it's been a blast. 

Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito

Because we only had four months living in South America, we spent as much free time as possible exploring the country. Downtown Quito is FULL Of beautiful people and places. It's hard to miss the grandness of the Basilica. It's massive and gorgeous and slightly haunting. This church is UNREAL! The construction started in the late 1800's and it still remains unfinished today. Local legend says that when the Basilica is completed, the end of the world will come. How crazy is that!? Located in downtown Quito, this is a must see if you're ever in the area. $2 can get you a (slightly sketchy) hike to the top and a view well worth the small entrance fee. Just a warning....leave the heels at home. I stashed my trustee Nike's in my backpack for the climb. Well worth it. 

We climbed all the way to the top and just stared out at this city we've fallen in love with. So much beauty. So much pain. I can't help but think of beautiful Paris when exploring gorgeous old buildings like this one. What is happening with the world, you guys? My prayers and thoughts are with all those hurting today in that beautiful city of lights. Quito and Paris will always be special to me in so many ways. Thankful to have had the chance to spend time in both lovely places. 

Today is our last day in Quito. Our bags are packed (that was comical...how did we end up with so much stuff?!), we've said most of our goodbyes and gotten emotional over leaving this place. We have loved every second of being here and will be back to visit as often as we can. Quito, you changed me. 

Before heading back to the states, we've scheduled a mini vacation with just the two of us! This is the first time since getting married that we've been away and all alone. I'm so excited! We're spending a week in Tulum, Mexico for some aloooooooone time and relaxation. Meow! I've been working part time with an amazing company (The Influence Network) and have also worked a few Instagram gigs since being here which has allowed us to save for a little getaway before returning to the states. I can't wait! If you've ever been, let us know all the things to eat and do. We'll be back in America on November 23 then the holidays begin! So many good things to look forward to in the midst of a sad goodbye. 

Quito....you beautiful babe. Thank you for changing us.

Arbos out! 

(photos by Matthew Arbo)

Why We Moved To Ecuador


Why Ecuador? Last June, Matt and I were searching for a change. We wanted to use the first year of our marriage to give back to the world and serve others together. So after a few months thinking and praying we decided to leave jobs that we loved, get rid of tons of stuff, raise support and move to Quito, Ecuador to volunteer with GO International for four months. Best decision ever! The couple that started GO, Greg and Christa Baca, are the types of people we all want to be like when we grow up. They've devoted their lives to serving the poor and forgotten in several countries across the world and moved their ministry headquarters to Quito a few years ago. Basically, these are the people you want in your inner circle. Creative, passionate, caring and willing to push you towards a better version of yourself. A huge draw towards moving to Ecuador was being mentored and taught by the Baca's. We love you guys. Forever and ever and ever. And if you're looking for a place to donate financially or even for a place to serve internationally PLEASE check GO International out. In our opinion, you won't find a more worthy crew.

We are currently nearing the end of our time here in Quito and although the future still looks a bit unclear for us, this was the best decision we could have made within our first year of marriage. Last July, we moved in to a large home and have had over fourteen different housemates since being here. The showers are cold-ish, the washing machine always stops working mid-cycle, dog barks and car alarms are a daily (hourly) part of the neighborhood soundtrack but this home has changed our lives. Living in such close community with like minded people who want to make this city a better place (and who like to dance) has been incredible. Never for a moment did we doubt this move. It would be impossible to share all the stories from Ecuador in one single blog post but we wanted to include a few snapshots of our time here. If we're ever in the same area and you would like to have coffee (or donuts) we'd love to share more about what went on during our time living in South America. It's been a beautiful, humbling, life changing, hard and joyous ride. 

And now...the photos!
Our first week here, we were given the opportunity to visit an AIDS orphanage. Most of the children don't even know they're sick. The parents of the little ones most likely died from the disease and some of the kids were born sick and some not. We played soccer, loved on puppies, helped make their lunch and hugged a lot of adorable kiddos. We were greeted by a little girl holding a water hose and the only way to enter was to run directly into the spray. Kids are kids, ya know? And this day we all had a blast. 

GO is one of those not so typical organizations that's constantly bringing creativity to a new level. We helped put together art exhibitions, called campaigns, in the some of the most popular areas of Quito. We went to the party districts, the touristy areas and anywhere with high foot traffic to try and start deeper conversations with people walking by. I love that Greg and Christa are always thinking of ways to engage people by getting to know them on a deeper level. And the crazy thing? It works. 

We've also been part of this beautiful church plant called ONE Uio. Greg and Christa helped start the gathering as a safe place for people of all backgrounds and beliefs to join together and learn about the love of God, especially His unending grace towards us. Questions are encouraged. Doubts are welcome. Life change happens. Every Tuesday, we meet together in a bar called House Of Rock to worship and hear about Jesus. We've made some of our closest friends at ONE and Matt even got a chance to speak one night. It was amazing and you can check it out here, if you want. (Proud wife moment!) We've seen God change people's lives. We've seen healings, witnessed miracles, worshipped in a language we don't understand, felt the Holy Spirit, broken bread with friends while sharing in their heartbreaks. It's been one of the most beautiful, moving churches I've ever been a part of. 

Ecuador is home to some of the most amazing people and a lot of them come from extremely hard times. A large part of the population is well below the poverty line. We've witnessed street children trying to sell us candy in dangerous neighborhoods at 1 am with no parents in sight. We've seen prostitutes in the party districts because it's a legal trade here. We've seen people snorting cocaine in club bathrooms. And we've experienced injustice and poverty at a level I didn't know could exist. I honestly don't think we can go back to 'normal' American life now that our eyes have been opened to the darkness in the world. Loving people makes you feel alive. It's the most beautiful natural high one can experience. I want to hold people in my arms instead of just donating my money towards a cause (but don't get me wrong, donating money is totally crucial and we'll continue to do so). We want to invite people into our home for a meal instead of just taking a photo of them to post on Facebook. My heart has grown three sizes bigger thanks to the people of Ecuador, the loveliest souls who shared their lives with us over these several months. 

There are a number of different organization that GO partners with and one of my absolute favorites is Pan de Vida. Pan de Vida operates fully on donations from folks like you and me. They serve over 500 meals a week to some of the poorest families in Quito. The most heartbreaking part is over 65% of the people coming for meals are under the age of 7. These kids slay me. One of the best parts of my weeks were letting them play with my hair (they think it's candy), sit in my lap and teach me Spanish. Matt volunteered weekly in the kitchen cooking and serving meals while I got to play with the kiddos. My heart. I can't handle it. I cry every time I think of these precious faces that wait in line for hours to be fed a hot, healthy meal. Pan de Vida has a hard time purchasing enough food for all the people that need to be fed. Just last night, over 300 people came out and we turned 80 away because there weren't enough funds for food. This can't be the normal. If you would like to donate to help out this amazing place they would LOVE it. Click here to make it happen and change a families life. 

There were a number of different experiences we've had where cameras weren't allowed. Our first week here, we were able to help throw a dinner party for over 90 sex workers in Quito. We rented out one of the fanciest restaurants downtown and completely decorated the building, filling it with fresh flowers and photo backdrops. We invited the ladies to come have a sit down dinner while we served them and taught them to make flower crowns and told them how valuable they are to the Lord. How beautiful He thinks they are and how they were created for a purpose. The night ended with a dance party and every lady present went home with $30 so they didn't miss any earnings from taking the night off. Although we weren't allowed to take photos, the night will remain in our memory forever. 

Every week we visit a juvenile prison and spend an hour with 20 of the boys in the long term offender group. These fellas have completely stolen our hearts! We play games, talk to them about life and try to remind them that they're not forgotten and have a grand plan for their life, even though they've experienced hardships. Many of these boys are in prison because they were stealing to try and take care of their families. Some have committed darker crimes but we don't talk about their past, instead pray over them and try to fill their hearts with joy and positive messages. Some of these young men come from extremely hard circumstances and may (hopefully not) end up back on the streets doing illegal activity once they're free from the juvenile prison. Our heart is that they see how they can become men of integrity and earn honest wages for themselves and their families. Again, photos are never allowed but just imagine the craziest South American dance party with 20 young men and a crew of Americans. Yes, we dance a lot. 

We also partnered with a ministry called Dunamis, a day program for young girls rescued from sex and labor trafficking. We got to spend a few days working with the girls and helped them learn english, make tagua jewelry and even took some of the girls to the zoo. A lot of them had never been to a zoo before so it was precious to see them running around trying to complete the zoo animal scavenger hunt. These beautiful ladies are all under seventeen and some even have children born into rough situations. The organization is currently raising money to build a safe house (it'll be the ONLY one in Ecuador) where the girls can spend the night and be hidden away from people trying to hurt them. Please consider checking out the website and donating towards the cause. These are the most beautiful, affectionate, sweet girls and they've experienced more horror in their little lives than most of us have even seen in movies. I don't want to share their stories here but know they're rescued from complete darkness and being brought into the light of Christ. I love, love, love this organization.

We knew in our hearts we had to come here and thanks to SO many friends, family members and even strangers we were able to raise $9,000 in six weeks. It was unbelievable and we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. We hugged orphans and fed the hungry and shared the hope of Jesus with ladies in prostitution because of your generous hearts.

For me, I needed to find the heart of Christ again. Moving here helped me reconnect with the heart of God, the heart for the poor and forgotten. My spirit has been awakened and I feel an even greater burden for the voiceless and those in the cycle of poverty. We aren't sure what our next steps are but we do know that our lives will forever be centered on bringing love, light and hope to those who have lost it. We love you forever, Ecuador. Thank you for loving us so well and for allowing us the great privilege to love your people. Nothing but tears of joy and fond memories for every single soul we've encountered. 

Again, there are so many stories I left off for sake of time but if you'd like to reconnect with us once we're back in the states let us know. We could talk for hours about the goodness of God and the beautiful people here. Plus, I have a lot of fall drinks to catch up on. Lastly, love people where you're at. You don't have to move to a different country to serve the poor. Let's live our lives to bring honor to those who have lost their hope. I can't think of anything worth pouring our time and money into than sharing the Gospel with people. And in a way where they become family to us. Nobody wants to be a project. Everybody wants love. 

For indeed, grace is the key to it all. It is not our lavish good deeds that procure salvation, but God’s lavish love and mercy. That is why the poor are as acceptable before God as the rich. It is the generosity of God, the freeness of his salvation, that lays the foundation for the society of justice for all. Even in the seemingly boring rules and regulations of tabernacle rituals, we see that God cares about the poor, that his laws make provision for the disadvantaged. God’s concern for justice permeated every part of Israel’s life. It should also permeate our lives.
— Tim Keller

(photos by Matthew Arbo, Steve Little and Nick Livingston)

Exploring Teleferico (on horseback & stuff)

Matt has this gift for planning the best surprises! Neither of us are 'stuff' people so special outings are our couple love language. Is couple love language even a thing? Consider it a thing now. I can't compete when it comes to putting together day long dates full of beautiful moments BUT I'm taking notes. One day, Matthew. One day. 

If you're ever in Quito, Ecuador then we both highly recommend spending a morning at Teleferico. Only $8.50 for a gondola ride & a morning hiking above the clouds. The city is MAGNIFICENT from 13,500 feet. Plus, you can rent horses to explore the mountainside for 30-60 minutes. We've gone twice & both times I end up with the friskiest horse on the mountain. Thanks, mom & dad, for those early years of horse riding experience or I would have jumped off at the first annoyed side kick. All that to say, it was one of the top five experiences of my life. Matt grabbed a few shots while galavanting around. Husbands are so good to have around. 

Ecuador...You Beautiful Thing

We've been living in Ecuador for four months now & our lives have been changed & wrecked all at the same time. Uprooting your entire life five months after getting married can seem a bit insane but for us it has made our bond even stronger. Together we've laughed, cried, prayed, argued, made up, served others, helped nurture each other's passions, climbed mountains, been super sick (you don't want to know), cuddled orphans, laughed alongside the sweetest girls rescued from sex trafficking, fed the hungry, dreamed together, experienced God's healing, danced in a boy's prison, danced all night in downtown Quito, worshiped in a language we don't always understand, shared lots of awkward moments & have fallen even more in love. 

Life is good. 

(photo by Carly Wells)

Let's Do This Thing

Why is starting so ridiculously paralyzing?

I've felt in the deep part of my heart that I should get back into blogging but have been putting it off for years. I suppose falling crazy in love, getting married & relocating to Ecuador all within the past 365 days is reason enough to put things off but I can't continue to ignore my inner dialogue any longer. She's quite persuasive, especially when donuts are involved. 

So now our little website/blog is born (thanks to my dearest, Lindsey!) Matt & I really want a place to share photos & daily adventures with the people we love & friends we've yet to meet. I'm lucky to have found a man who enjoys travel as much as I do & he's quite good with a camera. We'll both write posts here & there about all sorts of things. But don't expect DIY's & gourmet recipes (we aren't those types of people) but do expect real, authentic newlywed life adventures of two gypsy souls. We'll share things we believe in, promising not to post a fake version of our life but the real stuff. Hey, we're glad you found us. 

(photo by Abby Elizabeth, one of our favorite people & photographers)